Tuesday, March 31, 2009

'The Sewing Book' by Allison Smith

I have recently taken up sewing with a machine (I got this one for christmas) and really have not been brave enough to try it out much. I thought that if I got a Hello Kitty Sewing Machine that I might actually be encouraged to try out things, that it might inspire me to be a little goofy, light-hearted and inspired. Really, I still have a fear of making mistakes, of wrecking fabric, and well, getting frusterated with it all.

However, yesterday while browsing my local Chapters for some new inspiration I stumbled upon 'The Sewing Book' by Alison Smith. Oh my, what a God send! This book really has everything I could think of. It is a great reference tool for all things sewing. It has great photos, and some great directions. It is a great referral when you want to know anything such as how to sew a hidden zipper, or which needle would be best for sewing silk drapery. If you are an inexperienced sewer, such as myself, or even if you know your way around the machine, this book is a great one-stop-shop for all your sewing questions. It is definitely worth the cost of the book ($45 on chapters.indigo.ca, $49.26 on amazon.ca).

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